The Society has an Events Committee which organises regular seminars, study meetings and visits to ceramic collections at which Society members are able to meet like-minded members in an informal but educational settings. On at least one occasion each year members are invited to bring pieces for appraisal in a Members' Forum. Occasionally our events are residential, comprising overnight stays in hotels close to venues being visited, which may include museums, stately homes and private collections.
The Society's Annual General Meeting is usually held in October each year, and has taken place at a variety of venues in recent years. On the day of the AGM the Gilbert Bradley Memorial Lecture is given by a knowledgeable individual and covers a particular aspect of Derbyshire ceramics.
The Events Committee would welcome ideas and suggestions from members for subjects for seminars, guest speakers or suitable and interesting locations for visits.
Events 2024
The Society is working on producing a range of events for our membership this year and two dates are already planned. Further details will be added once confirmed, but we would encourage our members to note the dates in their diaries now.
Saturday 13th April 2024
We are returning to Royal Crown Derby Museum for the Spring Seminar and will have three rotating workshops for the morning session.
They will be:
Recognising 18th century porcelain factories. A member will display a small range of cups from assorted 18th century factories and encourage you to match these to a prepared list of answers.
A member will present you with a number of questions and problems relating to aspect of Derby porcelain and invite your thoughts and suggestions.
Liz Woledge will take you into the Raven Room to look closer at some of the treasures on display.
These rotating workshops will be followed by a buffet lunch.
The afternoon session will be spent as a single group in the Museum itself, studying the exhibits and following clues to find certain answers to questions which Museum Director Liz will give you.
Finally we'll return to the reception area for our Show and Tell before dispersing.
Saturday 19th October 2024.
The Seminar will be held at:
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Hall
36, Uttoxeter Road
Further details will be posted here once finalised.