Society Exhibition of Derby Porcelain (1756-1786)
at Royal Crown Derby, 29th October - 25th November 2011.
(Originally featured on our web site in the autumn of 2011.)
This was a Society loan exhibition to commemorate the 225th anniversay of the death of William Duesbury II, please bare in mind the exhibition is now CLOSED.
The Society would like to express its grateful thanks to -
The two members who worked so hard to set up the exhibition
Royal Crown Derby for so generously allowing us to use their fascilities
All those members who gave up their time to act as stewards. There was at least one there each day.
And finally to all who attended, we hope you enjoyed your visit.
A few of the items in the exhibition.
Chelsea Derby cup and saucer with sepia monochrome heads c1775. Unusually marked with a red anchor.
Two Chelsea Derby cups & saucers c1770-75, both marked with a gold anchor and D.
A Chelsea Derby squirrel c1770-75. No mark.
A group of Chelsea Derby items, all with the gold anchor and D mark. It has been speculated that these may have been decorated outside the factory.
(To pause the slide show,
hover the curser over the image.)
Below are a few images taken at the opening of the exhibition.